Children in primary schools invent a Dream Machine.
University students plan design and features.
Technical or vocational secondary school students make a working prototype.
This is MyMachine
MyMachine is an educational program developing creative thinking in children and youth. Through the program, inventive children and young people have a chance to find technical solutions for their original ideas and to bring their dream inventions to life. Its uniqueness lies in the cooperation of all three levels of the education system – primary schools, vocational secondary schools and universities.
Children and young people learn to work in teams, communicate, present, perceive and respect each other’s talents, think critically, and creatively approach problem-solving. At MyMachine, we put emphasis on the technical directions of education — science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics — STE(A)M. These are all competencies that are considered vital to being applied in today’s global and ever-changing world.
MyMachine is an international program. It originated in Belgium and is currently being implemented in thirteen countries around the world, including South Africa, Slovenia, Portugal, and Norway. It has been covered by the Carpathian Foundation in Slovakia since 2016. Thanks to this program, we draw attention to the need to connect non-formal and formal education in Slovak schools.
1-2-3 = MyMachine step by step
The program runs for a whole school year and has three steps:
Idea: children in primary schools between the ages of 6 and 12 invent and present their dream inventions in the form of drawings. MyMachine emphasizes the importance and necessity of every single invention.
Concept: at this stage, the design of inventions is being developed by young people — students at technical universities and students of Product Design. Childrens’ drawings turn into functional concepts and the best designs are then processed into plans, schemes and models.
Prototype: in the last stage, technical drawings and elaborated solutions are handed over to students at technical secondary schools. Students will create real functional prototypes of inventions in collaboration with the children who invented them and the undergraduates who planned the design.
What can kids and young people learn thanks to MyMachine?
University students will gain an amazing practical experience that simulates their future employment (including budget and time constraints):
- They learn to listen to their customer, in this case a primary school children alebo pupils (by the way, a very demanding customer).
- They learn to use their own knowledge and creativity to transform the idea into a concept.
- They learn to consider the production possibilities of their partners, in this case participating secondary vocational schools: they need to know what kind of production machines these schools use or what complexity of production their students can handle.
We show students at secondary vocational schools what an indispensable role they have in the product design process and we allow them to gain practical experience in prototype production:
- They learn that in many cases they can help to improve the design from engineers.
- They learn how to communicate their designs to facilitate or improve production.
- They learn that their skills are important and significant contribution for turning the idea into reality as well as for creating added value.
- They gain practical experience from the production of an invention, develop the ability to find new solutions and overcome obstacles.
- We inspire them to continue their studies or careers in technical directions.
We show children from primary schools that the world they live in is capable of being shaped and adaptable. They learn that their ideas can actively contribute to companies, so they do not have to be just passive recipients:
- They learn that having ideas is important, and that inventing is fun and marvelous.
- They learn what it means to turn the idea into reality.
- They familiarize themselves with STE(A)M education and the importance of a proactive approach.
- They learn to respect each other’s talents and to cooperate in teams.
Some of our Dream Machines
You can find more of the Dream Machines that were created during 7 seasons of MyMachine in Slovakia here.
MyMachine Global and MyMachine in Slovakia
The Carpathian Foundation received an exclusive license to implement the MyMachine program in 2016. After the program’s successful launch in Eastern Slovakia, it was gradually extended to all regions of Slovakia. The Carpathian Foundation is a unique regional non-profit organization operating mainly in Eastern Slovakia – Košice and Prešov region. Since its establishment in 1994, the Foundation has been providing financial support, education, and counseling for active people and non-profit organizations to improve life in Eastern Slovakia. Throughout its existence, the Carpathian Foundation has supported over a thousand projects with almost EUR 2.5 million.More about the work of the Carpathian Foundation on
Our partners
Ako náš partner podporíte
- medzinárodne oceňovaný program, ktorý prepája tri stupne vzdelávania
- záujem o technické vzdelávanie vo vašom regióne i na Slovensku
- rozvoj zručností mladých ludí, ktoré sú dôležité pre 21. storočie
- vieru detí a mladých ludí v silu ich nápadov ako aj odvahu zlepšovať náš svet
Môžete získať
- skvelé príležitosti pre internú aj externú komunikáciu
- spojenie vašej značky s inovatívnym programom
- príležitosť podielať sa na výrobe detských vynálezov
- dobrovoľnícke príležitosti pre vašich zamestnancov
- prístup k talentom
- účasť na tvorivom workshope, kde vznikajú nápady na vysnívané vynálezy
- účasť na MyMachine EXPO – záverečnej oslave kreativity a odovzdávaní vynálezov
Získajte návrh partnerstva na mieru
Každý náš partner je jedinečný rovnako ako je jedinečný každý vynález, ktorý deti vymyslia. Pošlite nám na seba kontakt a začnite s nami meniť sny na skutočnosť.
Súhlas dotknutej osoby (v zmysle zákona č. 18/2018Z. z.o ochrane osobných údajov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov) – Vyplnením tohto formulára dávam Karpatskej nadácii , Letná 27 Košice, IČO: 31995420 súhlas na spracúvanie mojich osobných údajov v rozsahu meno a e-mailová adresa za účelom realizácie programu MyMachine.